GENE では大将の中からローテーション(輪番制)で新提督を指名する規則であるため、幹部全員による互選により全員一致で新提督を推薦し、現提督がそれを指名したものです。
なお、アイザック現提督は 2020年12月23日 Toshikiti元提督の後を受け、三代目提督(臨時提督は除く)としてテリトリー戦やサーバ統合などで多大な功績を挙げられましたが、コロナ下で職場に欠員が出たため多忙な状況が想定以上に長引くとの見通しに立ち交代に至ったものです。
提督職退任後も大将として幹部ならびに GENEを 支えてくださるとのことですので、ごぼう新提督のもと今まで以上に楽しく遊びましょう。
[Important] Executive Personnel Changes
We are pleased to announce that on Monday, November 7, 2022, the Admiral of GENE will be replaced by the new Admiral Burdock from the current Admiral Isaac.
Since GENE has a rule that new admirals are appointed by rotation among the commodores, After a mutual vote by all the commodores, And the new admiral was nominated by the current admiral.
Current Admiral Isaac succeeded Past Admiral Toshikiti on December 23, 2020, as the third Admiral (excluding temporary admirals), and has made great achievements in the Territoriy areas and server merge. however Admiral Isaac decided to replace Admiral because he thought his co-workers would be out of work for a long time because of Covid.
He will continue to support GENE and its executives as a commodore after his retirement, so let's have more fun than ever under the new Admiral Burdock.
2022/10/08 written by 4G